Healing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Alternative healing therapy blog including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ME advice.

How to change thoughts to change health and improve quality of life with chronic illness.

The author was bedbound for 14 years with a diagnosis of CFS and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. She invites you to join her in finding self compassion, self love and natural common sense through the challenges of living with chronic illness.

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Jul 12, 2024

Practitioner who treats fatigue related illness

practitioners who treat fatigue

practitioner who treats fatigue fatigue related illness. ME, CFS, fibromyalgia, long Covid, Covid long haul. Coaching, biological or both.

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Jun 30, 2024

Healing The Inner Child of Loneliness - A guided meditation script

inner child healing

An exercise for healing the inner child of loneliness. Inner child healing can increase your sense of well-being in the present day. Guided meditation script.

Continue reading "Healing The Inner Child of Loneliness - A guided meditation script"

May 18, 2024

Swindon CFS groups- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

swindon cfs

Information on Swindon CFS and ME groups & services. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Fibromyalgia, long covid. Wiltshire. I hv the illness.

Continue reading "Swindon CFS groups- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Myalgic Encephalomyelitis"

May 06, 2024

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome News, ME Myalgic Encephalomyelitis


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome News by someone who lives with the illness ME/CFS. Suggested cures, CFS research, possible diagnostic markers, UK biased. List of MECFS websites

Continue reading "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome News, ME Myalgic Encephalomyelitis"

Feb 15, 2024

Healing Prayer for CFS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome also ME & Fibro

healing prayer

Healing prayer for CFS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Also Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Fibromyalgia (ME and Fibro). In the Spirit we are healed and whole. Let us claim our God given health.

Continue reading "Healing Prayer for CFS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome also ME & Fibro"

Feb 06, 2024

Wheelchair Accessible Country near Swindon - Places nearby to visit

wheelchair lower moor farm

Wheelchair accessible country near Swindon. Mobility scooter friendly. Low mobility disability relevant. Trips out in nature, the countryside and green spaces.

Continue reading "Wheelchair Accessible Country near Swindon - Places nearby to visit"

Jan 23, 2024

They Dont Believe Me When I say I Am ill - Disbelief And Illness

doesn't believe me

They dont believe me when I say I am ill, I am sick. Disbelief and illness. How to give myself the belief, understanding I need? ME CFS Fibromyalgia Lyme spoonies invisible illness

Continue reading "They Dont Believe Me When I say I Am ill - Disbelief And Illness"

Dec 10, 2023

Healing self worth in a time of illness

thank you for asking for help

Healing self worth in a time of illness. Self talk for raising your confidence and sense of worth when illness has taken your sense of who you are.

Continue reading "Healing self worth in a time of illness"

Sep 22, 2023

Research into the illness ME - Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Research on illness ME

Research into the illness ME - Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. Also Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and CFIDS. Amino acids, hibernation, cytokines...

Continue reading "Research into the illness ME - Myalgic Encephalomyelitis"

Jul 24, 2023

ME and exercise - research into why it can be harmful for a PWME

ME association exercise

Why the combination of the illness ME and exercise can be not tolerated, harmful, dangerous. Science research offers some answers.

Continue reading "ME and exercise - research into why it can be harmful for a PWME"

Mar 10, 2023

Healing visualization for tinnitus relief and hearing restoration

healing meditations daniel

Guided healing visualizations to heal tinnitus and recover from hearing loss. Includes imagery of expansion and light.meditations. Scripts.

Continue reading "Healing visualization for tinnitus relief and hearing restoration"

Mar 04, 2023

Recovery from severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - did it last?

recovery severe chronic fatigue syndrome

Did my significant recovery from severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome last? An update on how I am doing ten years later.

Continue reading "Recovery from severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - did it last?"

Feb 12, 2023

Communication problems with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - loss of speech

communication problems

Physical communication problems with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis include loss of speech. Advice, tips and sympathy from someone who lived bedbound with this severe chronic illness for 14 years.

Continue reading "Communication problems with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - loss of speech"

Dec 03, 2022

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Research


I share chronic fatigue syndrome research – relevant to those with CFS, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, possibly also Fibromyalgia and in some cases other chronic illnesses.

Continue reading "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Research"

Nov 09, 2022

Healing Eczema - How can I stop itching?

healing eczema

Advice for healing eczema. 54 people say what worked for them. Treatments from doctor, online or natural remedies from food (sounds like exma or exema). Mispelt sometimes as ezma or ezema.

Continue reading "Healing Eczema - How can I stop itching?"

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Thank you from me, Katherine, author of HealingCFSME.com

© Katherine T Owen. All articles on this website are copyrighted. I am delighted if you choose to click above to share this page on social media, but please do not copy, print or otherwise use without my permission. Thank you.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical practitioner. The articles on this website are not to be taken as medical advice. Please consult a medical practitioner as necessary.

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